
Cognition, aphasia, swallowing, and voice therapy.

Clinical Speech Therapy provides the following rehabilitation treatments to individuals recovering from a stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) , or central nervous system disease:

Cognitive-Linguistic Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of communication difficulties that have a cognitive underlying cause due to brain injury. Cognitive processes include attention, memory, language, and executive functioning. Individuals with cognitive communication deficits may have difficulty paying attention to a conversation, staying on topic, remembering information, responding accurately, understanding jokes or metaphors, or following directions.

Language Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of communication difficulties that result from damage to the language centers of the brain after a stroke. The loss of the ability to speak, to understand what someone else is saying, or both, is called aphasia. Aphasia affects different people in different ways:

  • Difficulty understanding language;
  • Speaking effortlessly but full of errors;
  • Difficulty producing language, yet possessing relatively strong understanding skills;
  • Difficulty with both understanding and producing language.

  Swallowing Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of the impairments responsible for the swallowing difficulties or the use of techniques to help compensate for lost function. Swallowing difficulty is called dysphagia. Causes of dysphagia include:


  • Stroke
  • Aging
  • Central nervous system diseases (such as dementia, Parkinson’s, MND/ALS, multiple sclerosis, or myasthenia gravis)
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD)
  • Radiation therapy
  • Injury or surgery to the head and neck
  • Cancer

Voice Rehabilitation for Parkinson’s disease

Rehabilitation of voice disorders that occur as a symptom of Parkinson’s disease. 90% of people with Parkinson’s are at risk of developing a weak voice that can lead to life-threatening swallowing complications. Clinical Speech Therapy offers a unique speech treatment developed by the Parkinson Voice Project to help patients regain and retain their speech and communication while minimizing swallowing issues.


We are currently only accepting cash and checks as a form of payment.

We accept BlueCross BlueShield, Medicare, Humana, Cigna, Aetna, and United Health Care insurance plans. We are also happy to see out-of-network patients and will gladly provide an invoice for you to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

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